TALL, DARK, AND CAJUN (reissue)Grand Central Forever
June 2018 (05-29-18)
ISBN-10: 1538762633
ISBN-13: 978-1538762639
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"This is a laugh-aloud contemporary romance
that was worth the
four-year wait since the earlier book in this series."
--Takiesha Smith, All
About Romance
"Sandra Hill's TALL, DARK, AND CAJUN is sure to delight with its
explosive combination of love, lust and hilarity...(She)
celebrates life itself in this effervescent story, which readers
are advised not to miss."
--Rashmi Srinivas, BookLoons.com
"It is the funniest, bestest book you've written...This book is
every woman's Macho-Cajun fantasy come to life."
Vicki Denny, New
and Previously Owned Books
"TALL, DARK, AND CAJUN is as spicy as the Cajun country it is set
in...This is a thoroughly enjoyable read that I will be
recommending to all my friends and relatives. This is a not to
be missed book of the summer."
--Carol Durfee, The Word on Romance
"Sandra Hill will keep readers thoroughly entertained with her
latest contemporary, TALL, DARK, AND CAJUN...she skillfully
blends hilarity, intimacy and poignancy."
--Pat Rouse, RT columnist
"Just enjoy the belly laughs in this raucously grand adventure
replete with colorful characters...This is one delicious treat
that proves the best guys are bad, so bad they're good."
--Susan Huseby, Bookpage
"Sandra Hill has written a story that will have you laughing from
the beginning to the end. I love the way she described the Bayou
of Loo-zee-anna. It gave me a feeling that I was there enjoying
the smells, the food, and the music."
--Lydia Funneman,
Writers Unlimited
"This tale will make the reader a believer in love at
first sight. The passion between this pair will have you running for ice water. I think
what I love best about Ms. Hill's work is the way she is able to treat serious life issues
with both humor and sensitivity...You will feel Remy and Rache;'s pain and revel in their
joy , and by tale's end will be truly satisfied that all is right in their world."
--Leslie Tramposch, The Best Reviews
"The cover quotes: `This year's spiciest and funniest love
story.' That doesn't even begin to cover TALL, DARK, AND CAJUN...Imagine the
satisfaction of diving into an eighty-degree pool on a hundred-degree day. The book gives
that kind of min-blowing fulfillment. Packed with scorching romantic trysts, delightful
minor characters (Granny Gizelle and Tante Lulu had me in stitches), and a perfect balance
of humor and action, I was getting outraged with anything that stood in the way of me
devouring the book in one sitting. This is just too good a book to be missed!"
--Tracy Fransworth, The Romance Readers Connection
"The first moment that the lead couple see one another is
simply "Oh my" as readers will sense and believe in the deep feelings of love at
first sight."
--Harriet Klausner, The Best Reviews
"Humor and author Sandra Hill are definitely a winning team.
is Hill's latest flat-out funny, sexy and touching story. Always a
--Romantic Times